small icon of Elian

šŸ“ Add your blogposts to your Github README

Add your blogposts to your Github README

Github profile READMEā€™s are a very cool and personal way to tell something about yourself or your code. One of the downsides to this is that it depends on a static format. Well, this is not necessarily true. Through the power of code and Github Actions, we can use JavaScript (or another language) and generate a static file. Hereā€™s a little guide on how I added my latest blogposts to my Github profile.

Whatā€™s a Github README

Usually a README is created in a repository to explain what is does or to write some documentation about the project. Github introduced this some time ago to also work on Github Personal Profiles. At the moment the README doesnā€™t work yet on business and organisation accounts. You can check out the Github profile README page on their own documentation site here.

A Github profile README is a cool way to tell something about yourself. It can contain some links to your social accounts or a simple ā€œabout meā€ section. Basically, since itā€™s written in Markdown, it can be anything you want it to be. Markdown has some cool features, it can also contain HTML tags, so you could use it to show of some of your cool HTML-table skills like its 1997.

Now, itā€™s cool to build a static Markdown, but itā€™s even cooler to write some code that generates your README with Github Actions or similar.

What is Github Actions

Github Actions is a CI-CD to build, test and deploy your code right from your repository on Github. Building a workflow on Github Actions is really easy. Itā€™s nothing more than just a simple .yml file in the .github/workflows folder in your repository. If you need more information about what Github Actions is, you can check their own website.

How can we generate a README with code

In the following section Iā€™ll use JavaScript to demonstrate how to generate a README file, but it basically could be any language as long as your workflow in Github Actions supports it.

Theoretical solution

Actually itā€™s not that hard. We can create a template file called README.raw.mdor something similar and read it in our code. Then we can use a script to manipulate the content inside the template and write it back as a static file.

Build your template

Here Iā€™ll use a simple example, feel free to go crazy and make the sickest things!

Youā€™ll need some kind of way to show that something is a variable, so lets use a simple syntax:

# My Github README

Hello there! I'm {{name}} and I'm {{age}} years old

a markdown processor would display it right as itā€™s written, but by using code, we can replace the variables.

Write the code

First of all, create a file index.js in the root of your repository and add something like this:

const { promises: fs } = require("fs");
const path = require("path");

// Read the template and store it as a variable
async function main() {
	const template = (
		await fs.readFile(path.join(process.cwd(), "./"))

// Creating a simple object to use
const elian = {
	name: "Elian",
	age: 21,

// Inject the content
const staticReadme = readmeTemplate
	.replace("{{age}}", elian.age);

// Let's write the file
await fs.writeFile("", staticReadme);

Now, when you run index.js it will output a static file with the replaced variables.

Create a workflow

create a new workflow file under .github/workflows/readme.yml

name: Dynamic README
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2

      - name: Inject Variables
        uses: actions/setup-node@v1
          node-version: 14.6.0

      - run: yarn

        # Lets run the index.js
      - run: node index.js

        # Push the static file
      - name: Add to git repo
        run: |
          git config pull.rebase false
          git pull
          git add .
          git config --global "Your Name"
          git config --global "Your E-Mail"
          git commit -m "[Automated] README updated with variables"
      - name: Push
        uses: ad-m/github-push-action@master
          github_token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Add blogpost list using Github Actions and no code

Fetch your blogposts using RSS

While researching a way to display my own blogposts on my README, I came across a cool bot called ā€œBlog Post Workflowā€, link to marketplace here. This bot will basically fetch the RSS feed of any blog you want it to and place the latest blogposts and links in your file. To do this it also uses a Github Actions workflow, so you can integrate it with your own workflows.

Prepare your README

Itā€™s really easy to use, firstly you just put an HTML comment in your README file as follows:

## My cool blog posts



The bot will basically use the comments as a guide on where to place the list of your blogposts.

Set up the workflow

Now that youā€™ve told the bot where to add the blogposts, letā€™s create the workflow

Create a new file .github/workflows/.blogposts.yml and add the following contents:

# Name can be anything you want
name: Latest blog post workflow
  schedule: # Run workflow automatically
    - cron: "0 * * * *" # Runs every hour, on the hour
  workflow_dispatch: # Run workflow manually with a trigger
    name: Update this repo's README with latest blog posts
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: gautamkrishnar/blog-post-workflow@master
          # you can change this to your own RSS feed
          feed_list: ""

When this workflow is committed and pushed to your repository, it will search for an update every hour and make changes to the file accordingly.

## My cool blog posts


  - [šŸ„³ Describe your commits using Gitmoji](
  - [šŸš€ Using to quickly deploy a static site](
  - [āœØ Moving on from Netlify to Google Cloud](
  - [šŸ’„ Adding Google Fonts to your NuxtJS site](
- - [šŸ’„ Writing your own style components with TailwindCSS and Sass](

Some extra configuration options

Out of the box, the bot will fetch the latest 5 posts and sort them on time created, but if you want it to do other stuff, you can. Hereā€™s a little list on options:

For more options, check the marketplace page.